The Grace of Christ

I love my Savior. And I love that Christ’s grace gives us the power and potential to become like Him!

Refining Our Faith

This journey transformed our faith from a set of beliefs to a dynamic, evolving relationship with a loving God who is eager for us to learn and is full of grace when we make mistakes.

Unfailing Kindness

I know that the Lord is accomplishing His work with us in ways we can’t possibly appreciate. I know that the Lord continually orchestrates the intersection of our lives with others to achieve His work.

Whispering of the Spirit

After being shaken up so much from the experience and not understanding what happened, I reflected on the subtle thoughts I had had and how I had not acted upon them.

I Will Rise

Alex Boye and Angela Lijenquist share their testimony through music that because He is risen from the dead we can also rise with Him and through Him.

Putting God First

I’m so grateful that God has a perfect plan for each of His children. That experience was a huge wake-up call to me that I needed to put God first in my life.

Letting Go of Our Own Will

My prayers have shifted from asking for what I want to ask to be open to what He wants for me. I have a lot to give, and I have some ideas on how I can share my gifts.