Don’t Sleep on The Book of Mormon!

May I issue you this humble challenge? Make a promise to Father that you will read this book everyday until your last breath.

I, Alexander Babatunde, Abayomi, Boyé (yep. That’s my full African name) I am going to make the boldest statement that I have ever made. Here goes . . . “Reading the Book of Mormon will make you the happiest person on the planet!” Whoop, there it is, I said it. Why do I say that? Well, the book actually makes that very claim on page 150. “I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and HAPPY state of those that keep the commandments of God” -Mosiah 2:41

Personally I don’t think I know anyone on this planet that doesn’t want to be happy. Do you?

Back in my late teens while living in London, England, I found myself homeless for a time. I was kicked out of the house for joining the church. I was in a bad way, in fact I even attempted suicide. It was one of the darkest periods of my life. I remember sleeping in a white van one night, cursing God. (I wouldn’t recommend you try this) I asked Him why it is that since I joined the church, my life is now worse??

I heard a voice in my mind that said, “Go and get the Book of Mormon; the one you just threw out of the window.”

It was raining. I stepped out of the van. As I pulled the drenched Book of Mormon out from a puddle, I sat back in the van and I said out loud . . . ”Now what?” I didn’t hear anything, so I just opened it randomly and it fell on the page which read “I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and HAPPY state of those that keep the commandments of God” -Mosiah 2:41

After reading this passage, my whole body tingled from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I’ve never felt anything like that before. I just sat back in the cold van with my heart on fire, relishing this feeling and never wanting it to stop. I remember feeling so comforted by an unseen power, I cried like a baby, it was the most beautiful heart soothing experience I’ve ever felt.

From that experience I learned something that has stayed with me for the last 37 years of my life. “Alex, your best best days are ALWAYS ahead.” (Of course being a musician, I had to turn it into a song. Search on YouTube for: Alex Boye “Brighter Dayz”)

Storms are temporary. So are our trials. Now repeat this to yourself and hear it in the voice of an African American church mama from the Bible Belt…“Child!! This too shall pass!!! It might pass slowly like a kidney stone, but no matter, It’s ALWAYS gon’ pass!!”.

Also realized from that singular experience that my happiness stopped when I stopped reading and focusing on the Book of Mormon. That day I made a promise that I would read the Book of Mormon everyday until the day I die. Since that experience in the van at the age of 16, I have not missed a day. Do I have bad days? Yes, but NEVER a bad life. I thank the Lord for ALL things, not just the good.

I love president Russell.M Nelson’s quote where he said:

The joy Latter-day Saints feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

We can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of HIM. HE is the source of all joy.

The Book of Mormon has taught me that I can be both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time. Even through my flaws, I am one of the noble and great ones, and so are you, so it’s time we started cutting ourselves some slack and start acting like it.

Since my late teens, this book has been the greatest game changer in my life. There have been many, many times since reading the Book of Mormon that have made me feel like the HAPPIEST person on the planet. And there are many more of those moments to come.

I testify that the Book of Mormon is the greatest book that’s ever been written. Period. Fight me on it. You can’t argue with me on that because I’ve felt it; and there’s no dang way you will ever feel what I’ve felt. But it’s available and comes differently for everyone. That’s what I love about heavenly revelation. I can’t even explain it with Webster’s words, I just know that there is power in this book. It doesn’t come from just casually reading it every now and then; It comes from reading it every single day, consistently for years. God loves effort, we put in the effort, and we will reap the rewards.

May I issue you this humble challenge? Make a promise to Father that you will read this book everyday until your last breath. Even if it’s for just a few minutes a day just to begin with. Look. Life can suck sometimes and get really ugly, but you can get your HAPPY. The Book of Mormon is filled with a group of imperfect but heavenly anointed friends who can help you along your journey on the freeway of life. You’ve got nothing to lose. And let’s face it. We all need a friend.

-Alex Boye

I also wanted to share some of what I call “Emergency Numbers” that I have used from my anointed friends in the Book of Mormon who have helped me through the years.

(I take no credit for this, I found it online)



Upset….2 Nephi 2:25

Weak….Ether 12:27

Lonely….2 Nephi 4:16-35

Sinned….Alma 39:5

Worried….2 Nephi 10: 23

Anxious….Alma 37:6-7

Unhappy….Alma 41:10-11

In Danger….2 Nephi 1:23

Depressed….Mosiah 2:41

Lack of Faith….Enos 1: 3-8

Need Courage….Alma 26:12

Need Direction….2 Nephi 31:20

Seeking Peace….Alma 37:36-37

Leaving on a Trip….Mormon 5:23

Struggling with Loss….1 Nephi 3:7

Struggling Financially….Mosiah 2:22

Discouraged with Work….Mosiah 24:14