Finding Faith

So, this confirmed to me that the Lord was not finished with me, he needed me to teach the children in our ward the power of music and the importance of his word through song.

Over two years ago, I lost my mom. This was the turning point in my life that led me to where I am today. I had been on the fence about returning to church and making sure my daughter was raised in the gospel. At the time, I was attending church and trying to re-acclimate myself to going regularly. When you haven’t been to church in a while, it’s a whole different feeling.

When my mom passed, it reminded me of the importance of being together forever with my family. I wanted to be with her for all eternity, and the only way I could do that was to fully immerse myself in everything that I knew to be true. It was humbling, and I was welcomed into a ward that restored my faith in human kindness. I was placed into the ward as the primary chorister, and while it had been years since I had led music, it felt like it was a natural place for me to be, and I held that calling for 3 years. I also fully returned to the gospel, and was able to finally go to the temple again.

At that time, the Lord had kept his promise to me and helped me find my eternal companion. I met Dave in March of 2023, and it has been smooth sailing ever since. Just kidding, it was that we needed to acclimate to one another, and I think in the beginning every couple experiences that struggle. Getting used to being together all of the time, but Dave is one of the kindest and sweetest men I have ever met in my life. It was an easy decision to decide to get married. No matter what the growing pains were, life was good with him and it has been.

We both love our callings, I am one of two Primary Music Leaders in our ward, and yes this is my second time in a row in this calling. I absolutely love working with the kids, it’s second nature to work with them and teach them. I remember the Primary Music Leaders when I was a kid, and I hope I could be just as awesome as they were.

So, this confirmed to me that the Lord was not finished with me, he needed me to teach the children in our ward the power of music and the importance of his word through song. My husband serves in the library and gets to see all your wonderful faces when it’s his turn to serve. Please don’t be afraid to say hello, I never met a person who wasn’t my friend.

-Dave & Brooke Cherry