Letting Go of Our Own Will

My prayers have shifted from asking for what I want to ask to be open to what He wants for me. I have a lot to give, and I have some ideas on how I can share my gifts.

What do you do when, year after year – despite your most earnest faith and works, things just keep not working out the way you had planned?

During the last four years, as I struggled in my profession, that question came into my mind over and over and over.

We might all answer a little differently. For me, the answer is simple. I saw two main options for myself:

Option 1 – Get angry at God for not blessing me with the righteous desires I had to support my family and make a positive impact on the lives of those I influenced through my purpose-driven work. I mean, what I wanted for myself and others was good! And I was attending the temple, fulfilling my calling, and doing all the things I was supposed to be doing. Since all the good things I was trying to do weren’t “working” I could have quit doing them. No more temple, no more spiritual effort. What’s the point? And just like that, I would have been on my own, relying on my own strength.

Option 2 – Be open to God’s will for me, recognizing that if he wasn’t giving me something I wanted and loved doing so much, he must have something better for me. And in order to get that (on HIS timeline, not mine), I would have to submit to His will instead of trying to force my own. This option would draw me closer to God, not drive me away from him. It would increase my resolve to keep my covenants, not diminish them. It would require me to pray more, not less, and display greater faith, not less.

I chose and continue to choose Option 2. My career challenges haven’t miraculously disappeared, but I’ve been guided to make a significant shift—a shift that is pushing me to rely even more heavily on my Savior and Heavenly Father.

My prayers have shifted from asking for what I want to ask to be open to what He wants for me. I have a lot to give, and I have some ideas on how I can share my gifts. But I know that God has a plan that will allow me to share my gifts exponentially if I just keep on the covenant path, let go of my will, and allow him to direct me. I know God lives. I know Christ is my Redeemer and closest friend. I can’t wait to wrap my arms around them in perfect remembrance of who they are and how much they have loved me from the beginning.

-David Mead