My Three Most Cherished Relationships

These three relationships are my foundation. They mean everything to me. I am so very grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where I can continue to learn about, grow closer to, and develop my relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost.

Heavenly Father

My first memory of experiencing Heavenly Father’s love was back when I was given a challenge in seminary. I was told that if I sincerely asked Heavenly Father if He loved me, He would make sure that I knew that He did. So, one day, I knelt in my closet and I offered a simple prayer. The overwhelming love that I felt as a result, seemed to wrap around me. I felt a peace and safety I hadn’t ever felt before to that intensity. It was the start to a beautiful relationship, one that I am still growing. I have found that every time I pray, He is there. He listens. He loves me. He cares. He is our perfect Father. We are so very lucky to be able to pray to Him. I love Him endlessly.

Jesus Christ

The relationship I started growing with Heavenly Father through prayer at a young age was foundational to my testimony. With time, I also began to understand and appreciate Jesus Christ and His role in my life as my personal Savior and Redeemer. I cannot adequately put into words how close I feel to Our Savior, but I know that when I see Him again, He will be so familiar to me. He is never far from any of us but walks each step of our journey with us. Right before I moved here, I shared my testimony in my last ward. I focused on the gift of repentance and how the message that we have a Savior is the happiest news.

I even shared the following lyrics from a Justin Bieber song titled, “Where Do I Fit In?”

When the day is over
And those thoughts set in
That’s when I start to wonder
Where do I fit in?

But then You remind me that You’re holding me tight
You say the past is behind me
And it’ll be alright
And You say to me
It’ll be alright

When I’m all alone, and
Fear is all I see
Sitting in the silence with these insecurities
It’s then You remind me You’re holding me tight
And You love me completely
You’re always by my side
And You say to me
It’ll be alright

I know You’re not a God out there hiding on mountains, oh, no
You come right where I am, lost my way, but You found me
Like the rain in the dark, on my ugliest days
You say that You’ll always love me just the same
And then You remind me that You’re holding me tight
You said the past is behind me and it will be alright

Every day can be a new day and the past of yesterday can be wiped clean. We can have a fresh start, and renewed hope, because of Him. Oh, how I love Him!

The Holy Ghost

The most consistent prayer I pray daily is to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is how I Hear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It is how I am able to be changed into a better version of myself little by little, day by day. My greatest desire is to return and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and living here in the presence of the Holy Ghost helps heaven feel closer, it is synonymous with true joy. It is worth any sacrifice to get and keep the spirit in our lives. I have learned that for myself and it is something I will strive to do forever. I really appreciate what Elder Corbridge said in his BYU devotional titled, “Stand Forever.”

“Of all the problems you encounter in this life, there is one that towers above them all and is the least understood. The worst of all human conditions in this life is not poverty, sickness, loneliness, abuse, or war—as awful as those conditions are. The worst of all human conditions is the most common: it is to die. It is to die spiritually. It is to be separated from the presence of God, and in this life, His presence is His Spirit or power. That is the worst.

Conversely, the best of all human conditions in this life is not wealth, fame, prestige, good health, the honors of men, security, or even—dare I say it—good grades. As wonderful as some of those things are, the best of all human conditions is to be endowed with heavenly power; it is to be born again, to have the gift and companionship of the Holy Ghost, which is the source of knowledge, revelation, strength, clarity, love, joy, peace, hope, confidence, faith, and almost every other good thing.

Pay whatever price you must pay, bear whatever burden you must bear, and make whatever sacrifice you must make to get and keep in your life the spirit and power of the Holy Ghost. Every good thing depends on getting and keeping the power of the Holy Ghost in your life. Everything depends on that.”

These three relationships are my foundation. They mean everything to me. I am so very grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where I can continue to learn about, grow closer to, and develop my relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost.

– Brie Gutzman