A dear friend of mine and I recently decided to truly “study the scriptures” by reading all of the standard works along with other writings considered sacred throughout history to other faiths. We are both academically inclined and thought it would be a fascinating study to compare the various texts and see if we could gain any further insight or knowledge. We also decided we wanted to expand our spirituality and be bold enough to ask the Lord to understand His mysteries, gain more spiritual gifts, and witness more miracles—although we have always been encouraged to ask the Lord for big and bold blessings, my friend and I have never done so outside of emergencies and major life events.
We created a study plan and curriculum for ourselves and set out on a rather aggressive schedule. We started the study with prayers to gain better testimonies and have our desired blessings poured upon us. To be honest, we began to be excited at the prospect of seeing angels or having unique revelatory experiences outside of feeling a warmth in our hearts. As we began our studies, including keeping pace with Come, Follow Me, I had a passing thought that it would be incredible if some of the prophets that are uniquely mentioned in the Book of Mormon would later be found in other, newly discovered historical records. “That would just about prove everything,” I thought. In the meantime, both my friend and I had independent experiences with other people, even members of our faith, making miraculous claims in ways the Lord communicated with them. We were both so skeptical!
A few weeks later, my friend stumbled upon an article that she found interesting and sent to me. It was from a professor and expert on the Book of Mormon, written decades ago and comparing the (at the time) newly discovered Dead Sea Scrolls (ancient holy writings) to the content in the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price. He discovered that a name that was previously uniquely mentioned in the Book of Moses was also mentioned in these scrolls in the same context. I was quite simply blown away. Although I am sure I would have always found that article interesting and exciting, what really struck me was that the very concept I had internally thought would increase my testimony of Joseph Smith and his translations had just come to fruition, only a few weeks after thinking about it! I could not help but feel so incredibly seen and understood by my Heavenly Father. He knows me so well, so perfectly, that He knows how I personally learn and how I personally gain testimony. Despite me asking and thinking it would be cool to see an angel, He knew that that is not my learning style. I am simply too skeptical to accept a vision like that. Instead, He answered my prayers how I needed them to be answered. I know He knows me, and I know He accepts me and the way my brain and heart work together. I know He knows how to best communicate with me and is just as willing and happy to send me an article from a professor as He is to send others the signs and messages they need. What further bolstered this incredible experience was having my friend call me a week later to tell me—without realizing it—that she had come to the exact same conclusion and was equally thankful to have a God who knew her. That article was my first of what I expect will be many miracles as I strive to strengthen my relationship with and testimony of Him.
-Brittney Blackwood