Elder Enzio Busche has stated that “the greatest achievement that can be reached in our lives is to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost.” I’ve reflected upon this quote many times in my life but never so much so than during my college days at BYU. Being a year away from graduating, I felt lost. I wasn’t dating anyone seriously, all my roommates were preparing for missions and I wasn’t sure of the clear career path with an Art History major. What was the next step in my life? What was my plan after graduation?
It was Fall in the year 2011. A ministering sister came to visit me and gifted me the book 21 Days Closer to Christ by Emily Belle Freeman. This book has had a profound influence on my life. I decided that whatever was to come, I needed to focus on my spirituality and come to know the Savior on a more personal level. Fast forward a few months and a life-shattering event happened to me and my family. I heard the news of a close family member’s years of sins and betrayal that rocked my world. Calling upon the Savior’s atonement had become my lifeline, the only reliable source I could turn to. I had the spirit with me. I had peace and strength to get through this hard time. I remember vividly crying on my knees, begging the Lord to give me guidance of how to remove this burden placed upon my back. I couldn’t do it alone. How do I move forward? How do I forgive? How do I love as Christ did and not hold onto this anger & pain?
The Holy Ghost was with me. I continually felt nothing but peace, love, and compassion for this person. I was under the complete influence of the spirit – ready with open arms to put someone else’s pain above my own. I was able to apply the Atonement and free myself from the darkness that clouded my life. I could not have been in that spiritual mindset if I hadn’t prepared myself. The Lord was guiding me to a holier way of life by helping me strengthen my relationship with the Savior months prior. I am so grateful that I listened to the spirit and strived to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost.
Promptings and strong impressions lead me to put my mission papers in. In April 2012, I was called to serve a mission in the Alpine German Speaking mission. The next month, I met Adam and after a few months of dating, I had postponed my call. The rest was history! We were sealed in the Newport Beach Temple on March 29th, 2013.
We moved to Washington D.C. shortly after getting married and built our lives together. Trials and struggles never went away. Over the past 10 years, we are still facing hardships, loss, and pain. We aren’t exempt from life because of the choices we made but we have a strong foundation for what the Savior can do for us if we turn to Him. I believe that our trials are blessings in disguise. They shape us, mold us, and create us into the person we are meant to become. This gospel is a gospel of change. We are here to grow, lift, inspire, and help those around us – just as the Savior has done for me. I turned to Him because I knew Him. He was and still is always there for me. My hope is that everyone can feel His everlasting love every single day. I challenge you to strive to be worthy to be under the influence of the Spirit. Listen to those promptings. I know that it will lead you closer to the Savior, you will come to use the Atonement in your life and your heart will be changed forever.
-Carley & Adam Jacobs