The Right Path

God has a plan for each and every one of us. He knows us intimately. We learned that praying for patience was particularly important as we pushed forward.

Our testimony of God’s love and plan for our family has been profound these past five years. As Elder John C. Pingree Jr. of the Seventy said, “Brothers and sisters, God has important work for each of us” (Oct. 2017). We would like to add that His work for our family has been done in ways we didn’t think, or initially desired, but has blessed us in so many ways.

Thomas’ job a few years ago was exactly that: a job. He wanted a career that could provide for our family and combine his interests instead of where he was currently at. Revelation often comes through study and action, and through a conversation with a church friend he felt guided to apply to graduate school.

It eventually took two years of graduate applications before he would be accepted into a program; However, when the time came we both felt like it wasn’t the path we needed to take. This realization was hard: were the past two years wasted in a direction not intended for us? We remembered a video of Elder Holland and his son Matthew Holland called “Wrong Roads.” Following a dirt trail back home they came to a fork in the road. Not remembering which way was the way back they both prayed and were impressed to go left, but after a short distance the road ended and they had to turn around to go down the right path. While driving on the correct path they discussed why they had felt impressed to go the wrong way first. Here is what Matthew wrote about the experience:

“Sometimes in response to prayers, the Lord may guide us down what seems to be the wrong road—or at least a road we don’t understand—so, in due time, He can get us firmly and without question on the right road.” (Wrong Roads and Revelations, July 2005).

We are grateful for the opportunity we had to apply for the graduate programs. In fact, it prepared us both for the career Thomas has now. Don’t get us wrong, there were many days we felt lost and frustrated. But we felt the blessings on our family as we served in our church callings and continued to have faith that things would work out. We needed to know without a doubt that schooling wasn’t the right choice before we felt confident to tackle the path we are now on.

God has a plan for each and every one of us. He knows us intimately. We learned that praying for patience was particularly important as we pushed forward. No one likes to feel stagnant. In retrospect we both agree we wouldn’t have changed a thing and we were where our family was supposed to be. We know as you keep Heavenly Father involved in your life He will guide you through this life in the best ways possible.

With love,

-Thomas and Rachel Clay