Portraits of Faith
Don’t Take the Good Things for Granted
When a hardship comes along, it may seem overwhelming, and we may feel an immense sense of loss. Most things we lose are temporary. An eternal perspective is important. The things that matter most and the things we should pursue have a more eternal impact.
2025 Young Men and Women Activity Calendar
Click to view this year’s
Stake Website Tutorial
The stake communications team invites you to come learn how to edit the website. This Saturday, Feb 22 at 10am at the West building.
A Thankful Heart Is Immeasurable
With gratitude for all things great and small, I know that I can recognize and accept adversity and blessings in my life.
Fasting is an Opportunity
Jared and Ashley Christensen share their testimony of the Law of the Fast.
Finding Relief through Jesus Christ
I know that relying on our Savior we are able to find relief from our worldly burdens and cares, regardless of the size and weight.
Whispering of the Spirit
After being shaken up so much from the experience and not understanding what happened, I reflected on the subtle thoughts I had had and how I had not acted upon them.
While I know that there will always be difficulties, my testimony has been strengthened with the added perspective of hindsight. Looking back, I now see that some of the trials have turned to blessings.
Letting Go of Our Own Will
My prayers have shifted from asking for what I want to ask to be open to what He wants for me. I have a lot to give, and I have some ideas on how I can share my gifts.
The Influence of the Holy Ghost
We moved to Washington D.C. shortly after getting married and built our lives together. Trials and struggles never went away.
My Three Most Cherished Relationships
These three relationships are my foundation. They mean everything to me. I am so very grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where I can continue to learn about, grow closer to, and develop my relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost.
Faith in God’s Promised Blessings
Being laid off may seem like a complication, but we know that it was, in fact, a blessing, although it was difficult to see it as such sometimes.
Gym Kids
Beginning Wednesday Feb 5 |
Finding Joy Through Trials
My wife in fact did beat this nasty disease and was called home in January of 2022. Although this has been a tough couple of years, we find great joy in knowing that she does not suffer any more and that the promise of that priesthood blessing was fulfilled.
Unfailing Kindness
I know that the Lord is accomplishing His work with us in ways we can’t possibly appreciate. I know that the Lord continually orchestrates the intersection of our lives with others to achieve His work.
Stake Relief Society Celebration Night
All sisters 18+ are invited
Hold Fast to the Word of God
Brothers and sisters, I leave you my bishop’s blessing. I pray for you. The Lord wants you to have a new relationship with the scriptures. He wants to teach you.
Called To Serve
Sunday, Feb 23 – 3:00PM
Don’t Sleep on The Book of Mormon!
May I issue you this humble challenge? Make a promise to Father that you will read this book everyday until your last breath.
I Will Rise
Alex Boye and Angela Lijenquist share their testimony through music that because He is risen from the dead we can also rise with Him and through Him.
The Right Path
God has a plan for each and every one of us. He knows us intimately. We learned that praying for patience was particularly important as we pushed forward.
May We Love Everybody
May it make a difference in our lives. May we become a Zion people. May we love everybody. May we mourn with everybody.
Refining Our Faith
This journey transformed our faith from a set of beliefs to a dynamic, evolving relationship with a loving God who is eager for us to learn and is full of grace when we make mistakes.
Looking Up at the Temple Brings Peace
Time in the Temple will help you to think celestial and to catch a vision of who you really are, who you can become, and the kind of life you can have forever. Regular temple worship will enhance the way you see yourself and how you fit into God’s magnificent plan.
A Slowly Focusing Vision of the Atonement
Ten years from now, will I come back to this and realize how much I only knew in part? Perhaps. But a lifetime of seeing through a glass, darkly, a journey of slowly focusing vision, has brought me a deep love for the Savior and His Atonement, and for that, I kind of like it.
This Way to Joy
“Lord, Jesus,“ I prayed, “forgive me and help me to forgive him.” I tried to smile. I struggled to raise my hand but I could not. I felt nothing, not the slightest spark of warmth or charity.
Finding Faith
So, this confirmed to me that the Lord was not finished with me, he needed me to teach the children in our ward the power of music and the importance of his word through song.
2025 Prospective Missionary Devotional
BYU and the Utah Valley Institute of Religion are co-sponsoring a Winter 2025 Prospective Missionary Devotional. The devotional will be held at the BYU Wilkinson Student Center Ballroom on February 26, 2025, at 7 p.m. It will also be broadcast live online (and recorded for later viewing) at https://religion.byu.edu/missionarydevotional. Elder Jonathan S. Schmitt and his wife Alexis will be the featured speakers. They are former mission leaders of the California San Diego Mission. The Utah Area Presidency has invited all prospective full-time missionaries (including youth) in Utah County to this event.
Putting God Above All Things
Since we got engaged and married, we’ve had many experiences that have tested our faith. But the most important aspect of all these experiences is the principle of putting God above all things. This has helped us to move forward and continue on the covenant path.
The Grace of Christ
I love my Savior. And I love that Christ’s grace gives us the power and potential to become like Him!